The Art of Facial Rejuvenation

One of the main concerns for a patient considering a plastic surgery procedure is the desire to achieve a look that is enhanced, yet natural. For the plastic surgeon who wants to achieve these results, nuance is an essential element—understanding how to “read” a face to find the balance between too much alteration and too little change. I believe this ability is as much an art as a science, and the artistic component of plastic surgery is an important part of my approach to facial rejuvenation.

The “plastic” in plastic surgery refers to the sculpting or molding aspect of the discipline, a distinction from other kinds of surgical procedures. In plastic surgery, it is important for the surgeon to have a strong sense of aesthetics. He or she must know which approaches will achieve pleasing results on each individual patient, but everyone has unique bone structure, different skin tone, and distinct features. In addition to becoming a board certified plastic surgeon, I also received a degree in dentistry and completed a residency in maxillofacial surgery. This experience helped me develop the skill and the sensibility to see how each element of the face relates to the others and to visualize how changes to one area will affect the overall appearance.

The gold standard in surgical treatment is the facelift. Using an artistic approach to facial rejuvenation, a surgeon must consider which course of treatment will achieve the desired effect—it could be surgery, a noninvasive therapy, or a combination of therapies and procedures. It’s important to consider the neck as well as the face, as the neck often shows the first signs of aging and may also need to be addressed to achieve a balanced rejuvenation.

Nonsurgical facial rejuvenation procedures include a range of treatments from injectable fillers such as JUVÉDERM® and Restylane® to skin tightening and resurfacing treatments such as Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling and TotalFX.

To achieve successful facelift results, a surgeon has to consider how to achieve a rejuvenated look that will offer long-lasting outcomes. Additional therapies may be considered along with a facelift and/or neck lift; skillfully combining these therapies to achieve a radiant, youthful look is one of the hallmarks of a gifted plastic surgeon.

Understanding how the skin and bone structure support each other is a science, but knowing how to achieve a subtle, natural effect is an art. When you’re looking for the best results from facial rejuvenation procedures, it’s important to choose a surgeon who balances these two very important aspects of plastic surgery in order to arrive at a look that’s still you—only better.

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