Rejuvapen NXT Microneedling

Address Aging, Scarring, and Various Skin Concerns

Many non-surgical cosmetic procedures promise smoother, brighter skin yet disappoint when it comes to results; our aesthetic medical professionals are proud to offer a proven treatment that consistently achieves stunning results: Rejuvapen NXT microneedling.

If you are experiencing signs of aging, acne scars, or other skin concerns, this advanced microneedling technology may be the right option for you. 

How Microneedling Works

Utilizing very tiny needles, microneedling creates micro-perforations in the skin. In turn, the body produces new fibroblasts, monocytes, and keratinocytes that trigger a flood of collagen and elastin to the treated area. 

Collagen and elastin are the building blocks of “good skin:” firmness, smoothness, even tone/color, and elasticity. In this way, microneedling can effectively refine the appearance of aging or dull skin, acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, and even stretch marks. 

Microneedling does not exfoliate the skin and so is unlike microdermabrasion or chemical peels: instead, this cosmetic procedure is considered to be a collagen induction therapy. It also is a fractional treatment, meaning that downtime is minimized due to the spaced-out pattern of the microneedles placed on the skin.

When You Will See Results

Collagen production takes time, although you will likely enjoy a healthier, fresher glow starting just a few days post-treatment. New collagen will be generated over the course of weeks or months after your session, so expect results to improve gradually and take care to moisturize your skin and protect it from the sun. Invest in medical-grade skin care products to maintain and extend your results at home.

Before your microneedling session, talk with your healthcare provider about what results you can personally expect, as every individual is unique and every treatment is personalized.

What Microneedling Treats

Microneedling is commonly used in the face, neck, décolleté, and hands to treat concerns like:

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Scars
  • Acne scars, i.e. pockmarks and indentations
  • Photo aging, discoloration, & pigmentation 
  • Sun damage & dark spots
  • Stretch marks
  • Enlarged pores
  • Dull complexion
  • Skin laxity

The Difference with Rejuvapen NXT

Rejuvapen NXT is an FDA-cleared, medical-grade device that uses a stamping “up-and-down” motion to safely trigger collagen remodeling without tearing or pulling at the skin. Rejuvapen has been carefully developed by experts and has been adopted by respected board-certified plastic surgeons’ and dermatologists’ offices that solely offer professional-grade treatments, vetted by medical staff and/or a doctor. 

Rejuvapen uses single-use, stainless steel needle cartridges. The needles can be placed at adjustable depths between 0.02 and 2.5mm to give your aesthetician or medical provider excellent control over your treatment so they can customize it for your needs and comfort. Other benefits include:

  • 9 different speeds and industry-leading torque
  • Designed and manufactured in the USA
  • Scalloped edge tip eliminates suction for better comfort during the procedure
  • Highly consistent, controlled results

We also offer radiofrequency (RF) microneedling, another excellent option for patients looking for anti-aging facial treatments with little-to-no downtime. At your skin care consultation in our Eugene office, we will help you decide on the most appropriate treatment for you based on your concerns, timeline, and goals.

Why At-Home Microneedling Isn’t the Same

We strongly urge our patients to avoid at-home devices or microneedling products, such as the “derma roller,” for several reasons:

  • Lack of sterility with repeat-use devices: For example, the bacteria that causes acne—acne vulgaris—may not be easy to sanitize, worsening breakouts when a roller is applied repeatedly to the skin.
  • Risk of too frequent treatment: It is easy to “over-treat” the skin at home, where in the office we are careful to space out microneedling appointments. For example, while you may use a face mask once a week, microneedling once a week is very risky, as your skin could develop difficult-to-treat scar tissue patterns.
  • Inability to customize: Based on the treatment area or your skin texture and concerns, we customize every in-office treatment. At-home devices have no standardization of needle length and depth.

In sum, with at-home microneedling, you are not going to see the results that are all but guaranteed from professional microneedling treatment, and side effects could be risky. We solely use FDA-cleared medical devices for microneedling treatment at Ziba Medical Spa.


The ideal candidate for a microneedling procedure is suffering with some of the above-mentioned concerns, like fine lines or acne scars, and is prepared to protect their skin from the sun in the days following treatment. You should also be in good health and have realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcomes.

However, patients who are prone to keloids, have active skin infections or healing wounds, have a bleeding disorder, or have a history of cold sores may be advised against the procedure. If you are prone to cold sores, talk with your healthcare provider about preventative medications you may be able to use pre-treatment.

Side Effects and Risks

It is normal to see some swelling and redness post-procedure. These side effects typically subside within about a matter of days, and a majority of people are able to resume their daily routine immediately after the session. While you are undergoing the healing process, it is absolutely crucial to safeguard your skin by wearing a gentle moisturizer, applying sunscreen, and wearing a wide-brimmed hat when in the sun.

Add-on: Exosome Regenerative Complex for Improved Collagen Induction

To double down on your treatment and see even more refined results, we recommend pairing your microneedling treatment with Exosome therapy. Stem-cell derived exosomes signal cells to regenerate, without the need for blood to be drawn before your treatment.

We use the highly-purified Exosome regenerative complex serum, which has been shown to be even more effective than other therapies due to smaller particle size and a bi-lipid layer for overall better skin penetration. Further, it has a much greater growth factor concentration.

If you choose to add Exosome to your treatment, we will perform the Rejuvapen microneedling treatment, then apply the Exosome regenerative complex serum topically afterwards. To allow it to take effect, we will ask you to wait to wash your face for several hours, and protect your skin from UV exposure.

Book your skin treatment at our Eugene med spa today!

Our Eugene, Oregon medical spa is overseen by renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kiya Movassaghi and boasts some of the most experienced medical staff you will find in a medical spa. Our team is here to help you meet you where you are on your journey to your long-term skin goals. Call 541.686.8700 or contact us online today to book your appointment!

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